And that’s a wrap!! Happy birthday to me! My gift to myself is finally finishing this chapter lmfao
I’m SO GLAD to finally be done with this chapter! It really felt like I was just spinning my wheels going nowhere for a while, I am glad I decided to relaunch this chapter after my big hiatus but oh boi it was rough for a while because there was nothing new for a good stretch of time. But it’s done! We can move forward!! I can finally change everyone’s outfits and get rid of Melitta’s stupid hairdo!
The comic will be going on another (short) hiatus so I can prep & get a jump on drawing chapter 5. Right now I’m planning to take the rest of January off then dive right in come February, with the intent to launch chapter 5 by the beginning of April. I should have a more concrete date for the end of the hiatus sometime next month, so once I get my ducks all in a row I’ll announce when the comic returns.
Thank y’all so much for sticking with me! I’ve got big things planned for the next chapter so please continue to stick around!! If you’re so inclined, you can join my Patreon to get behind the scenes stuff like my process for prepping a chapter and early access to finished pages.
Take care of yourselves, I’ll see you in a few months. :)