Set 3000 years ago on ancient Crete, history and mythology combine in this tale of the world's first magical girl.
The year is 1625 BCE. On a large island in the Mediterranean sea, ancient entities are locked in battle and take their conflict to the mortal realm. The mortals, unequipped to protect themselves, are saved by the appearance of a magical warrior with red hair and eyes as blue as the sea.
Nephele lives a life of uneventful solitude until her world is completely upended by strange monsters from the sea and an even stranger woman giving her magic powers. Nephele takes to the task with her new companions, unaware that she's being caught up in a personal conflict between the gods that's been dragging on for millennia.
Saffron Wave is a historical fantasy webcomic. Kellerybird is not a historian or archaeologist (though she would like to be). As a result the historical aspect of this comic may at times be incongruous with the actual archaeology and history of the Minoans. This comic does it's best with the research materials available to someone not in academics. Also, due to the nature of webcomics being projects that take multiple years to complete, what is known about the Minoans may change as the archaeology evolves and progresses and may also cause a divergence with what's presented in the comic. Please bear with any inconsistencies that may pop up in the future due to these aspects.
Please also note that this comic does draw from real historical events and will cover some topics and themes that may be upsetting to some readers. Please refer to the disclaimers at the very beginning of the comic and use your best judgement in deciding if this comic is suitable for you.
About the Artist
Kellerybird is a digital artist from the foothills of Northern California, living in a tiny apartment with her partner and three cats. She left art school for Reasons and as a result is mostly self-taught. She loves history, magical girls, the color periwinkle, anything matcha flavored, and Halsin from Baldur's Gate 3.